“HR from the other side of the pond: interview with Bettina Deynes, Global CHRO, Carnival Corporation”


This time, I had the opportunity to interview Bettina Deynes, Global CHRO for Carnival Cruises, the largest cruise line in the world. 

We first delved into her growth from her identity as a Latina, immigrant, and HR professional to how she grew in her different roles from VP to CHRO.

"The fact that I am a woman, an immigrant, and a Hispanic, I see it as a gift. I see it as fundamental to what I needed to BECOME the person I am today.

She landed her current role right during COVID-19 when the global pandemic fiercely hit the tourism industry and, more specifically, the cruising companies. 


Within the conversation, Bettina shared her major challenge of having multiple ships stuck in the middle of the ocean and having to expatriate 40,000 employees from 152 countries within months. 

I really like her definition of the critical role of HR in any organization, which is no longer a claim of "being at the table" but rather "being the table." HR is involved in all strategic business decisions in her organization.

Bettina also shared one of her "mistakes" in an HR role: a particular situation where she disregarded a qualified internal candidate and looked outside the organization as a pivotal lesson learned for her.

We also discussed Diversity and Inclusion, an additional role she manages for the entire organization. Carnival's DEI priority is focused on gender equity, and this is achieved by introducing a very transparent recruitment process to encourage lateral career moves within the organization. 

I really love her identity pride:

"I have built the resiliency muscle. Uruguayans are proud of our Charrua heritage, which means we don't give up. We fight until death. We will get there one way or another."


  • Watch the entire interview HERE.

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